If you would like to submit work, just email with the subject line being what genre you are submitting followed by the word "submission" (visual art, poetry, fiction, nonfiction) and the title of your piece. As in "Fiction Submission: Goat Cheese."
FOR WRITING, please attach your piece as a pdf or word document. Prose should be no longer than 2,000 words, but we're not super strict. Send no more than one piece at a time for prose (simultaneous submissions are totally fine). You may send up to five pieces of poetry, but please send all the pieces in the same document.
FOR VISUAL ART, you may send up to five pieces at a time. Make sure your documentation is clean so your work comes through well and there is no unintentional distractions. If we like what we see but don't like the documentation we may ask for you to retake an image, but most likely we will not be able to publish your work.