Frank Finds a Black Hole
Illustration and Poetry by Jeremy Snowden
Fizzled to the bone
Face gaunt
Horns raised
I house the scavengers
Nothing can quench
That which repels
A Good Place
Step right in, take off your shoes
Have you
Do you want to meet...sorry
Rude, just rude and arrogant
I’m sorry
But my fingers and toes can’t count
How many times they’ve retracted
The precursor to my fleeing
Bathrooms are my favorite
In case you wondered
Small lavender houses of introspection
My score for unquestioned privacy
Retreat says my mind
In face of an interrogation
masked in niceties
the laughter, the energy
All consuming like a fire across the wire
Morse code to my heart
A quick tip tap towards my solitude
The bathroom
Now that's my favorite
Jeremy Snowden is a filmmaker and illustrator based in the Bay Area. He currently attends UC Berkeley.